5 kinds of monsoon crops to be planted in Kayin State


5 kinds of monsoon crops to be planted in Kayin State

Myanmar Times, 11 May 2017

URL: http://www.mmtimes.com/index.php/national-news/mandalay-upper-myanmar/25934-5-kinds-of-monsoon-crops-to-be-planted-in-kayin-state.html
In developing the farming sector in Kayin State, it is estimated that five kinds of monsoon crops will be grown in the state, according to an estimation of agricultural projects for 2017-18 fiscal year.

The state head office of the Department of Agriculture announced that these five monsoon crops will be grown in Hpa-an, Hlaingbwe, Thandaunggyi, Hpapun, Kawkareik, Kya-In Seikkyi and Myawady townships.

Kayin State’s Agriculture Department head U Win Hlaing Oo said that there would be educational programs for the farmers so that they can produce good, quality crops and learn how to use the fertilizers systematically.

“The farmers need to use fertilizers in the right way to produce good quality crops. We will educate them on the techniques not only at state level but also in districts and townships. We will mainly plant monsoon paddy, maize, corns, monsoon peanuts and sesame in the rainy season,” he told the The Myanmar Times.

In the coming rainy season, the estimated amount in seven districts is that monsoon paddy will be grown on 434,900 acres (estimation) with a production rate of 30,555,819 baskets, maize on 51,100 acres and production rate 4,542,790 baskets, corn on 2700 acres and production rate 24,570,000 baskets, monsoon peanuts on 5500 acres and production rate 233,750 baskets and sesame on 3500 acres and production rate 37,800 baskets, according to a projection list for the 2017-18 fiscal year by the Department of Agriculture.

Kayin State Hluttaw Speaker U Saw Chit Khin said that the GAP protocol forum, held on April 24, outlines the procedures for proper use of pesticides and the avoidance of dangerous infections.

“We need to educate farmers not to use insecticides, to obey the rules and to produce good quality and marketable crops as well as to plant yam tuber widely,” he said.