Biometric registration kicks off

Biometric registration kicks off
UNHCR, 02 Jun 2017
MINARS, SME and UNHCR started on June 1, 2017 biometric registration of the Congolese refugees recently arrived in Lunda Norte province. So far, 1,200 refugees have been biometrically enrolled and individually registered. MINARS, UNHCR and WFP have pre-registered almost 23,000 refugees up to date. Biometric individual registration aims at ensuring improvement in the delivery of protection and assistance to Congolese refugees by collecting their data to include profession, education and specific needs to accurately identify the most vulnerable individuals. As part of individual registration, biometric iris information of each individual is captured. The data ensures that the identity of the person is safely stored over the time, thus guaranteeing adequate protection and assistance for the person in need, as well as accurate and reliable statistics. All biometrically registered refugees are issued with proof of registration and UNHCR/WFP ration cards.