1,000 new YBS buses to hit YGN roads


1,000 new YBS buses to hit YGN roads

The Global New Light of Myanmar, 03 Jun 2017

URL: http://www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com/1000-new-ybs-buses-to-hit-ygn-roads/
Yangon Bus Service (YBS) is expanding its ride service with the addition of 1,000 new buses within the next two weeks, according to an announcement by the Yangon Region Transport Authority.

(YRTA) in Friday’s editions of The Mirror Daily.

The Yangon region government purchased 500 new buses from China Yutong company and 500 buses from Ankai car company.

“A total of 1,000 new buses will arrive in three consignments,” said Dr. Maung Aung, a secretary of YRTA. The bus yard will be located at People’s Square, he said.

The Yangon region government purchased the buses at a cost of US$ 56,000 per bus.

The Chinese government guaranteed the buses would be manufactured at a high industrial standard, according to YRTA.