Floods affect Mon, Kayin, Taninthayi and Bago


Floods affect Mon, Kayin, Taninthayi and Bago

Eleven Myanmar, 31 Jul 2018

URL: http://www.elevenmyanmar.com/local/14437
Basic commodities prices have increased in flood-stricken Mon and Kayin states as well as Taninthayi and Bago regions, sources said.

Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement claim that there are 25,050 people from 5,302 family households at 67 flood relief camps in Kayin State, 5,895 people from 1,156 family households at 22 flood relief camps in Taninthai region, 15,884 people from 3,695 family households at 50 flood relief camps in Mon State and 71,898 people from 15,316 family households at 157 flood relief camps in Bago region.

Thanlwin Bridge (Hpa-an) was also shut down temporarily as water level in Thanlwin River increases to record-breaking levels, sending commodities prices rocketing upwards in Hpa-an.

Aung Ko Ko, Deputy Director of Department of Meteorology and Hydrology of Kayin State said water level in Thanlwin River reached to 938 centimeters, which is two centimeters above its danger level, on July 30.

Thiri Yadanar, MP of Belin Constituency said medicines and drinking water are needed in Belin Township as heavy downpour of rain and water from mountain streams worsen floods in the township.

According to a water level forecast on July 30, water level in Belin River reached 1,043 centimeters which is 21 centimeters above its danger level. Floods in some areas of the township seceded on July 30 and travellers were able to traverse Yangon-Mawlamyaing expressway which has been closed since July 26, announced Mon State government.

Floods also occurred in Thaton and Kyaikmaraw townships.

A total of 27,294 people are temporarily taking shelter at 33 relief camps in Bago. Bago Flood Relief Committee distributed food, edible oil and instant noodles enough for three days.Kayin State government has opened 51 flood relief camps in five townships and about 15,000 flood victims are taken shelter there.

More flood victims are expected as water level in Thanlwin River climbs above its danger level.
There are 9,873 people from 1,945 family households in 16 flood relief camps in Hpa-an Township, 2,503 people from 466 family households in 16 flood relief camps in Hlinebwe Township, 973 people from 207 family households in 6 flood relief camps in Kawkareik Township, 1,145 people from 257 family households in 3 flood relief camps in Kyainseikkyi Township and 1,692 people from 361 family households in 11 flood relief camps in Phapun Township.

A total of 145 schools in Mon State were temporarily closed on July 22 and will be reopened on August 1, according to the office of the state education department.