Govt readies 70,000 baskets of seed to aid paddy farmers


Govt readies 70,000 baskets of seed to aid paddy farmers

Myanmar Times, 03 Aug 2018

The government has prepared 70,000 baskets of seed to help rice farmers whose crops have been destroyed by the widespread floods, a senior agriculture official told The Myanmar Times on Wednesday.

U Myo Tint Tun, deputy permanent secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, said that during the past two months, hundreds of thousands of acres of paddy fields have been destroyed by floods.

“The ministry will supply seed to the farmers to replant their monsoon crop as well as help them ploughing,” he said.

“They can catch up with the season in time if they replant. If they plant seed, it will need a shorter time to ripen, like 90 days, so production will be as good as normal,” U Myo Tint Tun added.

According to the Agriculture Ministry, as of July 27, over 0.7 million acres of farmland across the country was flooded, of which 300,000 acres were destroyed. Some farmers will now grow monsoon paddy in destroyed fields of sesame while some will try pulses and other crops, according to U Myo Tint Tun.