Mobile medical teams to provide healthcare to rural people


Mobile medical teams to provide healthcare to rural people

Eleven Myanmar, 13 Aug 2018

In a bid to ensure the better health coverage in rural areas, the Ministry of Health and Sports plans to form mobile medical teams.

According to the 2014 Nationwide Census, the average life expectancy is 66.8 years. As a long-term benefit, the ministry aims to promote the average life expectancy of citizens amongst other health indexes.

The ministry is discussing details about the types and numbers of health staff included in the mobile medical team, healthcare types, medicine and medical equipments, the number of field trips and targeted areas.

In order to cover rural areas more, the ministry will provide necessary assistance after a review of the facts about rural health departments and branches with staff, medicine and medical equipment, coverage and capacity.

The Ministry will introduce a computer system for medicine stock and storage at the People’s Hospitals under 50 beds. The ministry has distributed computers to the central and township hospitals to ensure the systematic operation of medicine buying, storage, supply and use, minimize wastes and avoid a shortage of quality medicine and medical equipments for public health care.