U Min Thu nominated to take over ministerial post Land


U Min Thu nominated to take over ministerial post Land

Myanmar Times, 27 Nov 2018

URL: https://www.mmtimes.com/news/u-min-thu-nominated-take-over-ministerial-post.html
U Min Thu, deputy minister of the President’s Office, has been nominated as minister of the Office of the Union Government.

A letter from the president nominating U Min Thu was read in the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (bicameral parliament) on November 19.

The appointment would fill a vacancy left when U Thaung Tun, who formerly held the post, was named minister of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations.

U Min Thu, 62, has a bachelor’s degree in science from the Defence Services Academy and a Master’s in defence studies. He served as a colonel in the Myanmar Air Force before retiring.

Objections to his nomination are being taken by parliament, which will announce its decision on the appointment on Thursday.