The United Iraqi Medical Society for relief and development
The United Iraqi Medical Society for relief and development
Vision Together for better Future Summary The United Iraqi Medical Society for Relief and Development, UIMS, is one of the civil society organizations active in Iraq, a non-governmental organization dealing with humanitarian, health, relief, development and charitable affairs, regardless of race, color, religion and cultural background. Officially registered with the Non-Governmental Organizations Directorate, General Secretariat For the Council of Ministers under the number (IZ1615) Since the establishment of our organization on 21/05/2003 and as a result of conditions experienced by Iraq, UIMS introduced a lot of humanitarian aids and contributed in support of health institutions with basic needs, medical supplies and medicines; supported families afflicted and affected from war and disasters Shared in the process of rehabilitation of governmental hospitals and health centers, and the establishment of new health centers through their branches and offices in Iraq. UIMS was able to provide medical and relief assistance to refugees and IDPs all over Iraq. In addition to its outstanding work all over the last period, UIMS keen to expand its activities and efforts inside and outside Iraq. Missions Guarantees the reach of Medical Aids to all governmental hospitals, Medical Centers and other Medical establishments. Guarantees the Distribution of humanitarian Aids Relief such as Foodstuff and life requirements, to IDPs, Returnees, Poor, destitute and indigent. Supports all Charitable Medical Clinics of the Worshipping Houses to guarantee its continuity in the meantime. Helping those who have been harmed in the war through coordinating with Governments & Hospitals in the Arab and Friendly Countries. Coordinating with Charitable, Humanitarian and Relief Organizations as well as Field Hospitals through signing Agreements of Joint Cooperation with them. Rehabilitation the Hospitals and governmental clinic in Baghdad and all citizens Organizational Structure: UIMS board consist of five members and beside that, there is many volunteers, UIMS has six main committees: Relief Committee Governmental Hospitals & Medical Centers Committee Foreign Relations Committee Evaluation & Prophylaxis Committee Media Committee Engineering Committee The main office for the organization in Al-Mansour area where it is suitable and safe area Activities Since the establishment, we implemented many activities such as: 1) Implemented the rehabilitating of the health center in alhuria area. 2) Implemented the rehabilitating of the health center in Zahra complex. 3) Completed the designs for the rehabilitation of the health center in Heet. 4) Completed the designs for the doctor’s houses in the health center in Heet. 5) Completed the designs for the rehabilitation of Ramadi Hospital Center. 6) Completed the designs for the rehabilitation of women and children hospital in Ramadi. 7) Completed the designs of the housing complex for refugees in Diyala, which includes 4000 family. 8) Design five WASH projects 9) Distribution of food aid, tents, and medicines during the first and second events of Fallujah 10) Supplying the hospitals in Anbar,Diyala and Karbala with medical materials and supplies 11) Distribution of food aid to IDPs in Diyala 12) Supplying mobile clinics in tents for visitors During Ashura occasion in Babil, Karbala and Najaf with about 35 doctor 13) Food Aid to the IDPsin Baghdad in cooperation with the United Nations 14) Medical conference Better health for new Iraq in basra in 2004 with RTI and life Organization with participants of hospitals and medical centers from 18 provinces 15) Medical Aid up to 14 tons to the Syrian refugees in alqaim from the Islamic Development Bank in cooperation with the Jordanian Red Crescent from 10-2012 to 3-2013 16) First aid course for training Iraqi Emigrant and Syrian Refugees in cooperation with NCCI and funded by UNHCR 17) Assessing needs and developing 2014 plan for Primary Health Care Centre at Syrian Refugees Camp in Al-Qaiem funded by UNHCR 18)Running Primary Health Care Centre at Syrian Refugees Camp in Al-Qaiem in 2014 funded by UNHCR
Website http://www.uimsiraq.org/ Documents