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Migrant Integration Centre in Brașov
KATTYA centre
The Migrant Integration Centre in Brașov was legally founded in 2012, as part of The Romanian Association for Promoting Quality and Successful Practices (ARPCPS). The Migrant Integration Center in Brașov created under our NGO, offers integration services for the migrants and refugees in Brașov and advocates for their fundamental rights to start rebuilding their lives. -
Migrant Women Hungary Association (She4She)
She4She is an association of migrant women living in Hungary. We act together for gender equality and for the rights of all women without discrimination based on ethnicity, race, religion, belief, or any other category. We aim to develop women’s skills and represent migrant women in the widest possible circle. She4She is also a space for women to spend time together, learn from each other, and build supportive friendships. We are represented by one of our members in the European Network of Migrant Women and support solidarity among migrant women. -
Migrantes, Refugiados y Argentinos Emprendedores Sociales
Fundación MIRARES -Migrantes, Refugiados y Argentinos Emprendedores Sociales- , es una organización con fines solidarios que acompaña a la población refugiada y migrante en Argentina y la región en su proceso de integración a la sociedad local con diversas acciones de formación, capacitación, asistencia técnica, ferias de economía social, microcréditos y orientación para la búsqueda laboral en el marco del empleo registrado. -
Migration Aid
Migration Aid has been helping refugees all around Europe since 2015. Currently, several hundreds are working on helping Ukrainian refugees coming to the country access accommodation, supplies and information.