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Pan American Development Foundation
The Pan American Development Foundation is dedicated to serving vulnerable people in Latin America and the Caribbean through sustainable community development. -
Parasolka Foundation
Parasolka was created in May 2022 in order to help kids who had to leave Ukraine after the Russian invasion. The foundation organizes educational and creative classes for children from Ukraine. -
ParentIS is a non-profit association from Iasi, initiated by a group of parents who support other parents. Their aim is to provide support in the couple relationship and in the parenting process, to support, educate and advise parents and thus ensure their children a harmonious and healthy growth, security and a high level of education. -
Pastoral Service of Migrants
Pastoral Service of Migrants
La Comisión de Pastoral de Migrantes y Movilidad Humana, es una estructura propia dentro del Secretariado de la Pastoral Social de la Arquidiócesis Primada de México. Fue creada como respuesta de la Iglesia local a la Exhortación Apostólica Postsinodal del Santo Padre Juan Pablo II Ecclesia in America, porque “la Iglesia no puede ignorar ni las exigencias, ni las necesidades que se generan el fenómeno de migración”. -
Patent Association
WHAT DO WE DO? We provide legal aid and psychological assistance to victims of violence against women and those whose reproductive rights are curbed. We write proposals for lawmakers; we create publications that professionally support the work of courts, authorities and social services; we create information brochures for those affected and their environment. We educate volunteers and professionals, and we have guided self-help self-awareness groups for survivors. We function as civil control of state/official activities in issues of violence against women and reproductive rights. WHO ARE WE? Our name is Patent Association, coined from the Hungarian phrase Patriarchátust Ellenzők Társasága, which means Society Against Patriarchy. We are women’s rights defenders (lawyers) and psychologists, as well as gender based violence experts. WHAT ARE OUR GOALS AND VALUES? We take action against gender-based violence in the field of law-making and law enforcement; in service of this, we are building a professional network and social movement. Our values include solidarity among women and the principles of feminism. We are a children and animal-friendly workplace. -
Pathfinder International
Pathfinder International
Pathfinder International, based in Watertown, Massachusetts, is a global non-profit organization that focuses on reproductive health, family planning, HIV/AIDS prevention and care, and maternal health. The organization operates in more than 20 developing countries throughout Africa, Asia, the Near East, and Latin America. -
Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania
The Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) was founded in 2001 as a non-governmental, non-profit, politically independent organization in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The institute has as basic principles non-violence, conflict transformation, the promotion of human rights through information and awareness raising by solutions oriented, social, political and economic analysis. -
People in Need
People in Need (PIN) is a non-governmental, non-profit, international organization founded in the Czech Republic in 1992 and implementing humanitarian aid and long-term development projects in more than 30 countries.