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Number of partners: 931



    EASO is an agency of the European Union set up by Regulation (EU) 439/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The agency: acts as a centre of expertise on asylum; contributes to the development of the Common European Asylum System by facilitating, coordinating and strengthening practical cooperation among Member States on the many aspects of asylum; helps Member States fulfill their European and international obligations to give protection to people in need; provides practical and technical support to Member States and the European Commission; provides operational support to Member States with specific needs and to Member States whose asylum and reception systems are under particular pressure; provides evidence-based input for EU policymaking and legislation in all areas having a direct or indirect impact on asylum. Ref:
  • Earth is Home (Dunya Evimiz)

    Earth is Home

    Our association has been founded, on the basis of human rights and freedoms, for the purpose of displaying solidarity with segments of society who need support in order to live a good life on earth, particularly with the poor, women and children oppressed and exposed to violence, communities facing discrimination, with people who are forced to live their life as asylum seeker/refugees; displaced or forced to leave their homes; Within the framework of this solidarity, taking care of vital and cultural needs of these segments of society, especially food, sheltering, health and education; Engaging in activities in order to provide these segments of society access their rights and opportunities granted to them by international agreements, constitution and laws, and work together with related persons and agencies on national and international level within the framework of these activities; Conducting documentation works and researches that would pave the way for generation of ideas and scientific studies about social problems faced by these segments of society. Our hope, as Earth is Home International Solidarity Association, is towards the establishment of a more humane environment and future on the world scale. Our association which has been founded in order to offer humble contributions to this big hope will conduct all of its activities, from individual contributions to social propositions, by attaching the same level of importance without any motive of profit.
  • East European Institute for Reproductive Health

    East European Institute for Reproductive Health


    The East European Institute for Reproductive Health (EEIRH), located in Târgu Mureș, Romania, is dedicated to promoting the rights of women and men to sexual and reproductive health, advocating for a life free from gender-based violence, and supporting healthy and dignified aging. In collaboration with international organizations, EEIRH has been instrumental in enhancing reproductive health education and services in Eastern Europe. For instance, the institute coordinated the development of a family planning manual adopted by the Romanian Ministry of Health for training medical professionals.
  • Ecumenical Refugee Program (KSPM – ERP)

    KSPM – ERP

    Ecumenical Refugee Program (KSPM – ERP)
  • Ecumenical Service for Human Dignity


    SEDHU es una fundación integrada por representantes de la Iglesia Anglicana del Uruguay, Iglesia Metodista del Uruguay, Iglesia Evangélica del Río de la Plata, Arzobispado de Montevideo, Iglesia Evangélica Valdense del Río de la Plata, Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes, Cáritas Uruguaya. SEDHU ha desarrollado un programa de inserción de migrantes y refugidos en el ámbito laboral y social desde una práctica de ciudadanía solidaria. 
  • Education Reform Initiative

    Education Reform Initiative


    ERG, is an independent and not-for-profit think-and-do-tank that contributes to systemic transformation in education for development of the child and society through sound evidence, constructive dialogue and innovative/critical thinking. Evidence-based decision-making processes in education concerning stakeholder engagement and ensuring the access of all children to quality education are the key elements of systemic transformation. ERG, established in 2003, is a good example for the Turkish civil society, since it is an initiative supported by leading foundations in Turkey. ERG carries out its’ research and education activities through ERG Education Observatory unit and Education Laboratory.
  • Egypt Foundation for Refugee Rights


    The Egyptian Foundation for Refugee Rights (EFRR) is a non-governmental organization established in 2008. The EFRR provides legal assistance to refugees and migrants who are in detention and who find themselves the victims of crime. The EFRR also acts as counsel to groups of refugees seeking to organize community-based organizations and to existing refugee CBOs. In 2013 EFRR had been registered as NGO with the Ministry of Solidarity.