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Number of partners: 885

  • University of Costa Rica, Faculity of Law


    Con más de 2000 estudiantes y más de 200 docentes, nuestra Facultad es el centro de enseñanza del Derecho más importante de Costa Rica. La vocación social de nuestro sistema jurídico se alimenta de la reflexión humanista de los profesionales que formamos, siendo la característica que los distingue.
  • University of Buenos Aires


    La Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) fue inaugurada el 12 de agosto de 1821 por iniciativa del entonces ministro de gobierno de la provincia de Buenos Aires, doctor Bernardino Rivadavia (edicto). Desde ese año, la Institución ha transitado los derroteros de la historia del país y de la ciudad como universidad provincial y - desde 1881- nacional, así como los caminos más específicos que hacen a la construcción de un centro académico, cultural y científico, espacio de formación de profesionales, de circulación y producción de conocimientos. 
  • United by Love

    United by Love


    NGO United by Love
  • United Way

    United Way


    United Way Hungary has been present in Hungary for more than 30 years as a member of the United Way international network, the world's largest non-profit organization supported by private donations and corporate grants. Based on both international and domestic resources, we work for goals in Hungary, building on a national coalition, for the benefit of local communities. As an independent, self-sustaining foundation, we work on Hungarian issues, but we have access to the experience and knowledge base of nearly 1800 local organisations in 45 countries. As a member of an international network, we operate according to international standards where transparency and accountability are essential requirements.
  • United Peace Organization

    United Peace Organization


    Sudanese NGO focused on peace building in the areas of conflict mitigation and reconciliation, through capacity building programs and service provision in Education, Women's Empowerment, Emergency Shelter and NFIs, WASH, Food security and livelihoods and child protection.
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


    UNODC is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime. Established in 1997 through a merger between the United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UNODC operates in all regions of the world through an extensive network of field offices.