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Number of partners: 885

  • Foundation of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

    Foundation of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church


    The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) is an Eastern Catholic Church in full communion with the Apostolic See. As one of the parts of the ancient Church of Kyiv, the UGCC strives to restore its original unity. In the framework of its faithful’s social and civic life, the Church defends the right of the Ukrainian people to their independent conciliar state and the formation of a conscious civil society within it. The UGCC implements a range of charitable and civic projects in Ukraine and abroad.
  • Street to Apartment Association

    Street to Apartment Association


    At the Street to Apartment Association, we believe that everyone needs a place to call home. Safe housing is an essential condition for a dignified life. We believe that with a fair distribution of resources, a society of solidarity can provide decent housing for all. To this end, we develop and operate model programs in which we provide independent housing to homeless and needy people. We cooperate with municipalities and private individuals, operate a network of social rental housing and a housing agency.



    VOICE is a cutting-edge feminist organization working to end violence against women and girls in conflict, crisis, and disaster settings around the world. We are a team of skilled humanitarians with extensive experience working on violence against women and girls in emergency contexts. We have seen that the humanitarian aid sector itself has consistently failed to meet the needs of women and girls in these settings. We believe that the industry must change to deliver on its promise to protect them; we also know that they are the best judges of what is needed, though they are routinely ignored by those who hold the power in aid organizations. We are working to help meet the needs of women- and girl-led organizations in a growing number of countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, the United States, Venezuela, and Yemen.
  • Hungarian Reformed Church Aid

    Hungarian Reformed Church Aid


    Hungarian Reformed Church Aid is a charity and development organization based on Christian core-values. We believe that people’s lives are the greatest value in our world today. Our aim is to give our best knowledge without regarding gender, religion, color and political views to help those in need by saving their lives or improving their living standards according to our possibilities. Our mission statement is to fulfill our lifesaving and humanitarian activities as well as minimize operating costs. We believe maintaining a low budget for the aid programs will not compromise the quality of our work. We are thoughtfully planning the minimization of the costs and at the same time optimization of the work of our organization and operating processes. We find transparency and accountability important in our work as well as in the work of our supporters. In order to do this we have worked out the “Way of Trust” system, which is unique to our organization. We believe that our knowledge, our high quality efforts and the optimal usage of our resources will help in the effective life-saving process to help more and more people in need and danger. We believe in the strength of creative voluntary work. We will provide a place for volunteers who by accepting our core-values will develop and use their talents in the field of help and development. We belive in the power of the global partnership. We are open to estabilish partnership with every organization which has similar core-values at the field of aid and development work.
  • Hungarian Interchurch Aid

    Hungarian Interchurch Aid


    The Hungarian Interchurch Aid, founded in 1991, is one of the largest, internationally recognized charity organizations in Hungary. The founding churches grew into a community of professionals, volunteers, donors and responsible corporate partners to help the needy and people in trouble. HIA provides assistance to those in need in Hungary, in the Carpathian Basin and in many countries around the world regardless of nationality, religion or world view, meeting the highest professional and transparency requirements.
  • EMMA Association

    EMMA Association


    EMMA is a community: a community of peers and professionals that looks at women's life paths primarily through the period of childbearing and works to improve the social situation of mothers. At the forefront of our activities are the years of pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood education, as well as the social systems closely related to this, with special attention to the obstetric care system. We believe in the power of cooperation and solidarity between women. We encourage women to do something for themselves and each other and to take responsibility for change at the social level. As helpers and professionals, we consider it a priority not to break away from the reality experienced by women, to accept the experiences of mothers in their individual-community-social context, to understand them and to strive for change with this in mind. We believe that all women are equally entitled to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination at every moment of their lives. We live and see women's life in its complexity, we are convinced that some aspects and challenges of it are interrelated, so we are committed to the cooperation of groups active in women's topics. Our core values are freedom, authenticity, acceptance and joyfulness, which we strive to experience on a personal, organizational and community level.
  • Patent Association

    Patent Association


    WHAT DO WE DO? We provide legal aid and psychological assistance to victims of violence against women and those whose reproductive rights are curbed. We write proposals for lawmakers; we create publications that professionally support the work of courts, authorities and social services; we create information brochures for those affected and their environment. We educate volunteers and professionals, and we have guided self-help self-awareness groups for survivors. We function as civil control of state/official activities in issues of violence against women and reproductive rights. WHO ARE WE? Our name is Patent Association, coined from the Hungarian phrase Patriarchátust Ellenzők Társasága, which means Society Against Patriarchy. We are women’s rights defenders (lawyers) and psychologists, as well as gender based violence experts. WHAT ARE OUR GOALS AND VALUES? We take action against gender-based violence in the field of law-making and law enforcement; in service of this, we are building a professional network and social movement. Our values include solidarity among women and the principles of feminism. We are a children and animal-friendly workplace.
  • European Disability Forum


    European Disability Forum (EDF)