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SOS Villages d'Enfants
SOS Villages d’Enfants vient en aide aux enfants en danger, c’est-à-dire ceux qui n’ont pas de famille ou qui courent le risque de la perdre. -
Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe
In line with its principle of assisting people towards self-reliance, Help works together with people in need, irrespective of their gender, age, political views or religious beliefs, by providing immediate aid in the aftermath of catastrophes and by making sustainable contributions to reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in all areas of life. Our underlying long-term objective is to reduce the vulnerability of communities to new conflicts or extreme natural disasters. People and the preservation of human dignity are the focus of everything we do. -
Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development
“Established in 1977, the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) is the oldest and largest non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting rights-based, sustainable human development in Jordan. With our network of 51 Community Development Centres located throughout the country, we are at the forefront of building a brighter future for those living in under-served, poor, and remote communities. JOHUD provides sustainable support that empowers individuals to work with their neighbours, strengthen their communities and secure access to the resources they need to achieve healthy and fulfilled lives.” -
Alshoorq Organization for Social and Cultural Development
Alshrooq Organization for Social and Cultural Development is a Sudanese National Voluntary Charitable Humanitarian non-governmental organization. -
Business Professianel Women’s Organization
Business and professional Women organization is a voluntary body, non-governmental, non-profit without discrimination of color, race, language or religion. This organization took upon itself to lead pioneer work in the capacity building, guiding women economically, technically, and encouraged community based women to bear the responsibility and put the capacities of the educated professional women to serve the objectives of sustainable and rural development so as to open new directions regionally and internationally to gain new experiences from the international organizations so as to exchange knowledge and expertise to achieve permanent partnership for development. Business and professional women organization is affiliated club of Sudanese Federation of Business and professional women which is affiliated of International Federation of Business and Professional Women. -
JASMAR Human Security Organization
JASMAR is a human security NGO that was born on November, 2001 and is registered with the Humanitarian Aid Commission. JASMAR establishment was a response to the ERW threats on one hand and encouraged by the global campaign against landmines on the other hand. While JASMAR is currently engaged in humanitarian mine action, its domain of activities goes beyond to include combating ERW, controlling HIV/AIDS and advocating for people with disabilities as well as addressing sustainable livelihoods.