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United Nations Secretary-General Guidance Note of the Secretary-General on the United Nations and Statelessness
documentThe present Note provides guidance to the UN system on addressing statelessness by outlining guiding principles and policy framework for action.Publish date: 30 November 2018 (6 years ago)
Create date: 1 February 2019 (6 years ago) -
UNHCRCIV_Bulletin Semetresiel du HCR Côte d'Ivoire
documentUNHCRCIV_Bulletin Semetresiel du HCR Côte d'Ivoire - Août 2018Publish date: 25 October 2018 (6 years ago)
Create date: 25 October 2018 (6 years ago) -
UNHCR: Refugee Education 2030
documentA strategy for refugee inclusionPublish date: 9 September 2019 (5 years ago)
Create date: 9 September 2019 (5 years ago) -
UNHCR: Regional Bureau for West and Central Africa Education Newsletter #13
documentnewsletterPublish date: 13 December 2019 (5 years ago)
Create date: 16 December 2019 (5 years ago) -
UNHCR: Communiqué de Presse - Dialogue régional de protection et de solutions dans le cadre des déplacements forcés au Sahel
documentLa protection des civils au coeur des réponses aux déplacements forcés au SahelPublish date: 12 September 2019 (5 years ago)
Create date: 12 September 2019 (5 years ago) -
UNHCR mid-year trends 2016
documentReportPublish date: 28 February 2017 (7 years ago)
Create date: 2 March 2017 (7 years ago) -
UNHCR West Africa Infographic #IBELONG progress in ECOWAS - Highlights as of 30.04.2019
documentInfographicPublish date: 30 April 2019 (5 years ago)
Create date: 2 April 2019 (5 years ago) -
UNHCR West Africa Funding Update 19 April 2017
documentFundingPublish date: 19 April 2017 (7 years ago)
Create date: 24 April 2017 (7 years ago) -
UNHCR West Africa Eradicating statelessness in West Africa: ECOWAS, UNHCR and Côte d'Ivoire celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Banjul Plan...
documentPress Release - Statelessness Regional Strategic MeetingPublish date: 7 May 2019 (5 years ago)
Create date: 28 May 2019 (5 years ago) -
UNHCR West Africa Concept Note Regional Strategic Meeting on Statelessness: West Africa on the journey towards the High-Level Segment to be ...
documentConcept Note Regional Strategic Meeting on StatelessnessPublish date: 10 May 2019 (5 years ago)
Create date: 28 May 2019 (5 years ago)