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UNHCR Ethiopia Update - South Sudan Situation (7 - 12 March 2014)
Create date: 2 May 2014 (10 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia Update - South Sudan Situation (24 - 30 April 2014)
documentUNHCR Ethiopia Update - South Sudan Situation (24 - 30 April 2014)Publish date: 2 May 2014 (10 years ago)
Create date: 2 May 2014 (10 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia Update - South Sudan Situation (16 - 23 April 2014)
Create date: 2 May 2014 (10 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia South Sudan Situation Update 20-26 June 2015
documentUNHCR Ethiopia South Sudan Situation Update 20-26 June 2015Publish date: 29 June 2015 (9 years ago)
Create date: 29 June 2015 (9 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia South Sudan Situation Update
documentUNHCR Ethiopia South Sudan Situation UpdatePublish date: 23 June 2015 (9 years ago)
Create date: 23 June 2015 (9 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia Operation: Population Breakdown as of 30 October 2017
Create date: 5 December 2017 (7 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia Operation Wash Sector Dashboard MARCH 2020
documentThis is a WASH sector dashboard quarterly report shows over all Water and sanitation hygiene key indicators, coverage of latrine and affected populations location.Publish date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia Operation IDPs, IDPs Returnees and Refugee Situation MARCH 2020
documentThis is a quarterly Ethiopia operation UNHCR presence Site of Population Of Concern to UNHCR and UNHCR Country, Sub and Field Offices.Publish date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia Operation Humanitarian Profile MARCH 2020
documentThis is a quarterly humanitarian profile figure for both refugee and IDPs end of March 2020 which shows comprehensive demography, population group and location.Publish date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia Operation Cash Based Intervention (CBI) Dashboard Quarter 4 2019
documentThe Refugee Cash Task Force offers a platform to coordinate and harmonize the implementation of cash assistance in refugee context in Ethiopia. As of 31-December-2019, 8 organizations reported ongoing...Publish date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 7 May 2020 (4 years ago)