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    UNHCR Sudan - National Population Dashboard - South Sudanese Refugees (30 November 2018)

    National-level population dashboard and statistics update for South Sudanese refugees in Sudan.
    Publish date: 1 December 2018 (5 years ago)
    Create date: 3 January 2019 (5 years ago)
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    RCF-UNHCR Sudan: Population & Operational Update on the South Sudanese Refugee Response (1-30 November 2018)

    Updated population statistics, movement trends and operational analysis on the South Sudanese refugee response in Sudan.
    Publish date: 1 December 2018 (5 years ago)
    Create date: 3 January 2019 (5 years ago)
  • LARGE INTERNAL REFUGEE MOVEMENTS OBSERVED WITH START OF HARVEST SEASON – In White Nile State, the Government of Sudan’s Commission for Refugees (COR) estimates that at least 50,000 refugees are working on farms outside of the camps. Refugee schools in camps are temporarily closed, and will reopen in November, when families are anticipated to return to camps. Education partners and the State Ministry of Education agreed in September to adjust the school calendar to address low attendance rates anticipated during the harvest season. In East Darfur, a 10 per cent reduction in attendance to therapeutic and supplementary feeding nutrition programmes in camps has been observed. Where possible, programming is being adapted so beneficiaries can still receive sufficient nutrition support.
    highlight 31 Oct 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • UNHCR TO COVER DRUGS GAPS IN REFUGEE CAMPS AND EL LERI SETTLEMENT TO THE END OF 2019; ADDITIONAL FUNDING STILL NEEDED – UNHCR is procuring essential drugs to address supply gaps in health clinics in refugee camps in White Nile and East Darfur States, and for the El Leri settlements in South Kordofan State. The procurement will cover essential drugs supply needs for one year, with an additional four months’ supply allocated as contingency stock. Funding is urgently needed to cover drugs supply gaps in other out-of-camp refugee settlements in all States across the response.
    highlight 31 Oct 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • OCTOBER SEES LOWEST NEW ARRIVALS IN 2018 SO FAR – January saw the highest number of new arrivals in 2018 with nearly 5,800 individuals, and arrivals have been in steady decline since, with just 721 arrivals in October, including zero new arrivals reported in East Darfur State. Inter-agency partners agreed in July to revise new arrival estimates for 2018 to 50,000 by year-end, from an original estimate of 200,000, following the notably slower rate of new arrivals in the first half of the year.
    highlight 31 Oct 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
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    RCF-UNHCR Sudan: Population & Operational Update on the South Sudanese Refugee Response (1-31 October2018)

    Updated population statistics, movement trends and operational analysis on the South Sudanese refugee response in Sudan.
    Publish date: 31 October 2018 (5 years ago)
    Create date: 15 November 2018 (5 years ago)
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    UNHCR Sudan - State Level Population Dashboard - South Sudanese Refugees (31 October 2018)

    State-level population dashboard and statistics update for South Sudanese refugees in Sudan.
    Publish date: 31 October 2018 (5 years ago)
    Create date: 15 November 2018 (5 years ago)
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    UNHCR Sudan - National Population Dashboard - South Sudanese Refugees (31 October 2018)

    National-level population dashboard and statistics update for South Sudanese refugees in Sudan.
    Publish date: 31 October 2018 (5 years ago)
    Create date: 15 November 2018 (5 years ago)
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    Sudan Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) - South Sudanese Refugees in South Kordofan State (September 2018)

    SENS was conducted for South Sudanese refugees in settlements in South Kordofan State, Sudan to assess the general health and nutrition status of the refugee population, and formulate workable recomme...
    Publish date: 1 September 2018 (6 years ago)
    Create date: 8 November 2018 (5 years ago)
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    Sudan Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) - South Sudanese Refugees in West Kordofan State (February 2018)

    SENS was conducted for South Sudanese refugee settlements at Kharasana and El Meiram in West Kordofan State, Sudan to assess the general health and nutrition status of the refugee population, and form...
    Publish date: 1 February 2018 (6 years ago)
    Create date: 8 November 2018 (5 years ago)