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Ukraine Emergency in Neighboring countries “BLUE DOTS”- Children and Family Support Hubs
documentUkraine Emergency in Neighboring countries “BLUE DOTS”- Children and Family Support Hubs - How Blue Dots work in relation to UNICEF and UNHCR cooperationPublish date: 15 March 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 31 March 2022 (2 years ago) -
Poland: Oddziały przygotowawcze Know How — preparatory classes
Create date: 5 August 2022 (2 years ago) -
Ukraine situation: Flash Update #3
documentUkraine situation: Flash Update #3 - 15-03-2022Publish date: 15 March 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 15 March 2022 (2 years ago) -
Ukraine situation: Moldova: Blue Dots - Children and Family Support Hubs
Create date: 25 March 2022 (2 years ago) -
Ukraine Situation: Moldova: Situation Update 1 RETS Moldova - (16-03-2022)
documentThe UNHCR-led Refugee Emergency Telecommunications Sector (RETS) is the coordinating body for IT and communications assessment and service delivery in refugee emergencies. RETS seeks reinforce multi-s...Publish date: 16 March 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 19 March 2022 (2 years ago) -
Poland: Child Protection Sub Sector WG meeting (16 March 2022)
documentPresentation of CP SWG meeting 16 March 2022Publish date: 16 March 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 12 April 2022 (2 years ago) -
Ukraine situation: Moldova: Child Protection Sub-Working Group - Meeting#1 - 16-03-2022
Create date: 25 March 2022 (2 years ago) -
Poland: MHPSS Rapid Situation Analysis in Poland for Ukrainian Refugee Response
documentMoH and international agencies initiating action on MHPSS. Urgent need for mental health care services for people with severe mental health conditions. Limited awareness of IASC/WHO MHPSS guidance.Publish date: 16 March 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 23 April 2022 (2 years ago) -
Ukraine Situation - Moldova: Child Protection Sub Working Group Presentation (16 March 2022)
Create date: 1 June 2022 (2 years ago) -
Ukraine Situation: Moldova: Situation Update 2 RETS Moldova - (17-03-2022)
documentThe UNHCR-led Refugee Emergency Telecommunications Sector (RETS) is the coordinating body for IT and communications assessment and service delivery in refugee emergencies. RETS seeks reinforce multi-s...Publish date: 17 March 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 13 April 2022 (2 years ago)