Rwanda Refugee Response Plan 2023

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Document Type: Documentos de estrategia , National Refugee Response Plans
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 1 January 2023 (2 years ago)
Upload Date: 12 September 2023 (1 year ago)
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Rwanda Refugee Response Plan 2023

Document Type: Documentos de estrategia , National Refugee Response Plans
Document Language: English
Rwanda has been welcoming refugees for almost three decades. Refugees from the DRC who arrived in the nineties have now spent most of their lives living outside of their home country. For the Burundian refugee population, although over 30,000 have returned home since August 2020, those still in Rwanda are expected to remain due to ongoing political tensions and reintegration concerns in Burundi. Since 2019, Rwanda has also hosted refugees and asylum-seekers evacuated from Libya through the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM). By temporarily accommodating some of the most vulnerable refugee populations who have faced trauma, detentions and violence, Rwanda has showcased its willingness to continuously provide solutions for a variety of refugee situations and crises. In 2023, the Rwanda RRP requires US $143.6 million for partners to be able to implement protection, education, food, health and nutrition, livelihoods and resilience, shelter and non-food items (NFIs), water, health and sanitation (WASH) and logisti


  • Rwanda
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