Food resumption | UNHCR External Update #1 – 17 October 2023

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Document Type: Informes , Informes / Actualizaciones de Situación , Informes de Situación
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 20 October 2023 (1 year ago)
Upload Date: 20 October 2023 (1 year ago)
Downloads: 778

Food resumption | UNHCR External Update #1 – 17 October 2023

Document Type: Informes , Informes / Actualizaciones de Situación , Informes de Situación
Document Language: English
Since USAID announced the resumption of food assistance to refugee populations on 6 October, UNHCR, WFP, Ethiopia’s Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) and its partners have worked intensively to prepare for food distributions in all refugee locations in Ethiopia. There are 29 refugee camps, sites and settlements across Ethiopia hosting 946,682 refugees, with some 878,320 being dependent on food assistance. As of 17 October, distributions have begun in 11 locations and are estimated to have reached some 100,000 refugees.


  • Refugees and Returnees Service


  •  Coordination


  • Ethiopia
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