UNHCR, Somalia, Repatriation Update, 1-31 December 2017

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Document Type: Actualizaciones de situaciones , Informes / Actualizaciones de Situación , Informes de Situación
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 11 January 2018 (7 years ago)
Upload Date: 11 January 2018 (7 years ago)
Downloads: 1,615

UNHCR, Somalia, Repatriation Update, 1-31 December 2017

Document Type: Actualizaciones de situaciones , Informes / Actualizaciones de Situación , Informes de Situación
Document Language: English
Highlights: # returnees 1,596 Somalis returned to Somalia. - Core relief items 510 CRI kits to 314 households (1,055 persons) - Reinstallation grants 1,267 returnees provided with reinstallation grants - Shelters 50 shelters and 33 latrines constructed - Community-based projects 1,976 beneficiaries of community-based projects


  •  Protection
  •  Emergency Shelter and NFI
  •  Cash Assistance
  •  Shelter / Other Infrastructure


  • Somalia

Population Group

Country Group
Somalia Somalia - Any Population Type, Somalia - Refugees, Somalia - Refugee Returnees
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