UNHCR, Somalia, Emergency Response, 1-31 December 2017

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Document Type: Panel de indicadores y hojas informativas
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 29 January 2018 (6 years ago)
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UNHCR, Somalia, Emergency Response, 1-31 December 2017

Document Type: Panel de indicadores y hojas informativas
Document Language: English
38,582 people assisted in December. 26,400 individuals (4,400 households) were provided with potable water in Lower Juba region through borehole rehabilitation. In Luuq, Gedo region, UNHCR ensured long-term solution for 200 households (1,200 individuals) with constructing 30 latrines, one well and one water tank. 2,204 individuals were reached with Gender Based Violence (GBV) response in Bay region through: identification of survivors, awareness raising and legal, material, medical and psychosocial support.


  •  Health and Nutrition
  •  Protection
  •  Emergency Shelter and NFI
  •  Core Relief Items (CRIs)
  •  Cash Assistance


  • Somalia

Population Group

Country Group
Somalia Somalia - IDPs, Somalia - Refugee Returnees, Somalia - IDP Returnees, Somalia - People in IDP-like Situations
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