Akre Camp profile, Syrian Refugees, Duhok, Iraq.

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Document Type: Panel de indicadores y hojas informativas , Perfiles de sitios , Quién Qué Dónde , Identificación de Perfiles Poblacionales
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 25 June 2018 (6 years ago)
Upload Date: 25 June 2018 (6 years ago)
Downloads: 2,966

Akre Camp profile, Syrian Refugees, Duhok, Iraq.

Document Type: Panel de indicadores y hojas informativas , Perfiles de sitios , Quién Qué Dónde , Identificación de Perfiles Poblacionales
Document Language: English
A camp profile is an information product that assembles information about the camp from multiple data systems in order to give a comprehensive picture of the situation about a camp. It provides a consolidated overview of population statistical data, geographic data and cross cutting sectoral analysis of Protection, Food, Education, Health, Shelter, Basic Needs and WASH situation in the camp. It contains also the names of the partners supporting the humanitarian assistance in the camp.


  • Harikar
  • Peace Winds Japan
  • Relief International
  • United Nations Development Programme
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • United Nations Children's Fund
  • Un Ponte Per
  • World Food Programme
  • World Health Organization
  • World Vision


  •  Health and Nutrition
  •  Water Sanitation Hygiene
  •  Protection
  •  Food Security
  •  Emergency Shelter and NFI
  •  Camp Coordination and Management
  •  Education


  • Iraq

Population Group

Country Group
Iraq Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
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