Sustainable Energy For Lebanese Villages and Communities: The Village 24 Initiative

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Document Type: Orientación , Informes , Informes de Situación
Document Type: English,Arabic
Publish Date: 23 October 2018 (6 years ago)
Upload Date: 23 October 2018 (6 years ago)
Downloads: 3,374

Sustainable Energy For Lebanese Villages and Communities: The Village 24 Initiative

Document Type: Orientación , Informes , Informes de Situación
Document Language: English,Arabic
The EU funded UNDP CEDRO project has developed the present booklet based on the experience of the first community-led initiative implemented in Kabrikha, South Lebanon as part of one of its activities. The implemented process, legal documents and project itself have been completed in close coordination with the Net – Metering Committee of the National Utility Company (EDL) and the LCEC team. This booklet is a first draft and is thus open to future edits and updates based on lessons learnt from the Kabrikha implementation and changes / upgrades to the electricity situation in Lebanon (both infrastructure, production and distribution). The booklet is a simple recommendation and/or guideline to how the process of community net metering can be carried out and in no way does it represent an official endorsement by the Government of Lebanon or the UNDP. If you wish to obtain the template agreement documents and the sizing / financial assessment tool, then please email;


  • Lebanon

Population Group

Country Group
Lebanon Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
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