UNHCR South Sudan: VOLUNTARY REPATRIATION DASHBOARD - Chadian refugee returnees from Sudan

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Document Type: Panel de indicadores y hojas informativas , Datos y estadísticas
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 31 October 2018 (5 years ago)
Upload Date: 21 January 2019 (5 years ago)
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UNHCR South Sudan: VOLUNTARY REPATRIATION DASHBOARD - Chadian refugee returnees from Sudan

Document Type: Panel de indicadores y hojas informativas , Datos y estadísticas
Document Language: English
The repatriation of Chadian refugees from Sudan to Chad started in December 2017, after the signing of the Tripartite agreement in May 2017 between UNHCR and the Governments of the Sudan and Chad. Returnees have been assisted by UNHCR and COR with transportation, return packages, including core relief items and cash for shelter.


  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


  • South Sudan
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