- Impact of COVID‐19 on People with Disabilities and their Families in Jordan, developed by Humanity & Inclusion. The objective of the assessment is to understand the needs of people with disabilities and their families during the implementation of restri

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Document Type: Informes y evaluaciones
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 4 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Upload Date: 4 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Downloads: 388

- Impact of COVID‐19 on People with Disabilities and their Families in Jordan, developed by Humanity & Inclusion. The objective of the assessment is to understand the needs of people with disabilities and their families during the implementation of restri

Document Type: Informes y evaluaciones
Document Language: English
- Impact of COVID‐19 on People with Disabilities and their Families in Jordan, developed by Humanity & Inclusion. The objective of the assessment is to understand the needs of people with disabilities and their families during the implementation of restrictions by the Government of Jordan in response to COVID‐19.


  •  Livelihood & Social Stability


  • Jordan

Population Group

Country Group
Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
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