Building Refugee Economies: An evaluation of the IKEA Foundation’s programme in Dollo Ado

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Document Type: Evaluaciones
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 15 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Upload Date: 27 November 2020 (4 years ago)
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Building Refugee Economies: An evaluation of the IKEA Foundation’s programme in Dollo Ado

Document Type: Evaluaciones
Document Language: English
The Refugee Economies Programme at Oxford conducted an evaluation of the multi-year investment to understand how the funding has impacted refugee and host communities in this borderland area. Qualitative and quantitative findings report on the performance of highly visible cooperatives and business groups that have transformed the economic and social landscape of Dollo Ado through projects relating to agriculture, renewable energy, environmental conservation, and the livestock value chain. The evaluation also explores the influence of IKEA Foundation's programmes on broader institutional and policy changes, considering the ways that Ethiopian authorities, UNHCR offices, and other stakeholders have adapted to better support sustainable livelihoods in remote, less-developed, refugee-hosting regions. Findings inform a broad set of conclusions and recommendations for stakeholders that are undertaking similar development-oriented programming in challenging humanitarian contexts worldwide.


  •  Livelihood & Social Stability


  • Ethiopia
  • Dollo Ado
  • Somali
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