Sudan: Ethiopia Influx - Inter-Agency Refugee Emergency Response Plan - Nov 2020 to Dec 2021- REVISION of May 2021

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Document Type: National Refugee Response Plans
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 31 May 2021 (3 years ago)
Upload Date: 30 June 2021 (3 years ago)
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Sudan: Ethiopia Influx - Inter-Agency Refugee Emergency Response Plan - Nov 2020 to Dec 2021- REVISION of May 2021

Document Type: National Refugee Response Plans
Document Language: English
The revision of the Inter-Agency refugee emergency response plan – Sudan: Refugee influx from Ethiopia, launched on 25 November 2020, expands the time frame of the initial plan to 31 December 2021, includes the flood preparedness and response and incorporates the refugee response for Ethiopian asylum seekers in Blue Nile. Humanitarian partners of the emergency refugee response plan have re-prioritized their initial financial requirements and request additional USD 33 million to provide assistance to the influx of Ethiopian refugees until the end of the 2021.


  • Adventist Development and Relief Agency
  • African Refugee Committee
  • CARE International
  • Concern Worldwide
  • Cooperazione Internazionale
  • Danish Refugee Council
  • Food and Agriculture Organization
  • Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.
  • International Organization for Migration
  • International Rescue Committee
  • Islamic Relief Worldwide
  • Mercy Corps
  • Norwegian Church Aid
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Plan International
  • Relief International
  • Save the Children International
  • Solidarites International
  • United Nations Development Programme
  • United Nations Populations Fund
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • United Nations Children's Fund
  • United Nations Office for Project Services
  • UN Women
  • World Food Programme
  • World Health Organization
  • ZOA
  • United Peace Organization
  • Business Professianel Women’s Organization
  • JASMAR Human Security Organization
  • Hopes and Homes for Children organizationHopes and Homes for Children organization


  • Sudan

Population Group

Country Group
Sudan Ethiopia - Refugees, Ethiopia - Asylum-Seekers
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