Tool - UNHCR Yemen Feedback, Complaints and Response Mechanism SOP – referred to as Complaint and Feedback Mechanism

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Document Type: Accountability and Inclusion
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 20 March 2023 (1 year ago)
Upload Date: 14 November 2022 (2 years ago)
Downloads: 257

Tool - UNHCR Yemen Feedback, Complaints and Response Mechanism SOP – referred to as Complaint and Feedback Mechanism

Document Type: Accountability and Inclusion
Document Language: English
UNHCR Yemen’s FCRM – referred to as Complaint and Feedback Mechanism (CFM) - includes different ways refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and stateless people, and returnees, can submit feedback and complaints as well as their management and referral procedures. The SOPs provide that “Compliance of the SOPs for the CFM is mandatory” for UNHCR and implementing partners. The SOPs are revised yearly, and staff are informed and trained on the updated SOPs as required. In line with this annual commitment, as of August 2022 the SOPs are being updated and revised.Profile: UNHCR Yemen’s FCRM SOP and additional tools describe how forcibly displaced and stateless people can submit feedback and complaints, as well as the steps to handle them, including how to provide needed referrals. The SOP is mandatory for UNHCR and implementing partners. It is revised yearly, and staff and partners are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge for its implementation regularly. Why to Use the Tool: It is a concise


  •  Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)
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