IGAD Regional Trade Policy 2022-2026

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Document Type: Documentos de estrategia
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 15 September 2022 (2 years ago)
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IGAD Regional Trade Policy 2022-2026

Document Type: Documentos de estrategia
Document Language: English
The IGAD Regional Trade Policy’s vision is to foster market-driven, development-oriented, and sustainable trade in the IGAD region, capable of catalysing expanded economic growth, reducing poverty, ensuring food security and attaining improved living standards in the region. The corresponding overarching objective of the Policy is to promote sustainable growth and development of the IGAD Member States by raising the standard of living of their people through closer economic integration. This is broken down into specific objectives, i.e. to create an open and unified regional economic space to boost intra-IGAD trade by creating the necessary enabling environment and removing obstacles for trade in goods and services; to create coherence among national trade policies of IGAD Member States; to help IGAD Member States implement their obligations arising from regional trade agreements, in particular the AfCFTA; and to promote creation of an enabling environment for foreign and domestic investment.


  • Intergovernmental Authority on Development


  •  Livelihood & Social Stability
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