UNHCR CAR: NFI distribution to Sudanese refugees in Bangui


UNHCR CAR: NFI distribution to Sudanese refugees in Bangui

UNHCR CAR, 19 Apr 2014

URL: http://data.unhcr.org/car
On 19 April 2014, UNHCR supported 51 refugees from Sudan with a distribution of non-food items (NFIs) in Bangui. The refugees received mats, jerry cans, mosquito nets, blankets, buckets and soap. The distribution will resume shortly, so as to provide assistance to the remaining members of the Sudanese refugee community in Bangui, which consists of 70 people.

Living conditions for this group have deteriorated sharply since December 2013. As their first language is Arabic, they are perceived by many people as taking sides in the inter-communal conflict. Their lives are threatened, they were forced to leave their homes and have been unable to find employment or continue their studies. “I left Sudan because of the war and I came here expecting to find peace. But now the problems in this country are bigger than they were in Sudan,” said 42-year-old Anna* during the distribution. “Even at night, we are not in peace. We live in fear and we don’t want to stay here anymore”, added her husband after thanking UNHCR for the aid provided.

As of 10 April 2014, there were 16.581 refugees and asylum seekers in the Central African Republic, originating mainly from DRC, Chad and Sudan. UNHCR and its implementing partners support them through protection and multi-sectoral assistance, care and maintenance activities in Bangui, and as well as in the camps in Bambari, Zemio and Batalimo. In view of the security situation, UNHCR is also assisting refugees to return through its voluntary emergency repatriation programme. For some, however, return is still not an option. This is the situation for the South Sudanese, and for some Chadians; both refugee communities are at risk due to their nationality, and/or religious practice. For these communities UNHCR is urgently seeking options for evacuation. In May, after all those expressing an interest to return have been assisted, the Agency is planning to organize a verification exercise to document the situation of refugees, for identifying durable solutions and providing assistance.

*Name changed for protection reasons