UNHCR Burkina Faso: Visit of Japan's Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs to Sag-nioniogo camp on 10 August, 2013


UNHCR Burkina Faso: Visit of Japan's Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs to Sag-nioniogo camp on 10 August, 2013

UNHCR Burkina Faso, 10 Aug 2013

URL: http://data.unhcr.org/SahelSituation/
On the 10 August 2013, the Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Ms. Toshiko Abe visited Sag-nioniogo camp of Malian Refugees accompanied by the Japanese Ambassador to Burkina Faso, Mr. Masato Futaishi. UNHCR and the Burkinabe Commission for Refugees (CONAREF) accompanied them. Other individuals in the delegation included MOFA staff and Embassy personnel.

Upon the delegation’s arrival in Sag-niniogo camp, which hosts 2,830 refugees on the outskirts of Ouagadougou, the Representative, Mr. Stephane Jaquemet and the National Coordinator of the CONAREF, Mr. Mamadou Sangaré, briefed Ms. Abe. During the exchange, Ms. Abe demonstrated special interest for education, nutrition, and health as well as inquired about the co- habitation between the refugees and host population.

After the exchange a ceremony was held with the presence of the Executive Refugee Committee and the Women’s Committee of Sag-nioniogo, NGO implementing partners working on the camp (including IEDA-Relief, the French Red Cross, the Burkinabe Red Cross among others). In her speech, Ms. Abe announced the contribution made by the Government of Japan of more than USD 5 Million to the UNHCR operation in Burkina Faso for 2013. She explained that this contribution aims at strengthening “human security” as well as the refugee households’ resilience. Specifically, these funds will be used for protection activities such as documentation and registration, SGBV reduction and prevention, as well as healthcare. Ms. Abe also reminded those present that this year’s 5th TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development) held earlier this year, was dedicated to the theme of “consolidation of peace, democracy and good governance” and that the Government of Japan is committed to the implementation of the Yokohama Action Plan for 2013-2017 in which it is determined to continue its efforts to support home-grown African development.

After the ceremony, Ms. Abe met with the Executive Committee, the Women’s Committee as well as with a family in their traditional shelter. The last part of the visit included the local primary health center of Sag-nioniogo camp, the Center for Health and Social Promotion (CSPS), which is managed by the French Red Cross with UNHCR support and is located near the camp.

UNHCR Burkina Faso