Police repel attack on French factory in northeast


Police repel attack on French factory in northeast

AP/News24 Nigeria, 05 Dec 2014

URL: http://www.news24.com.ng/National/News/Police-repel-attack-on-French-factory-in-northeast-20141204
Damaturu - Nigerian police and soldiers repelled an attack by gunmen on a French-owned cement factory on Thursday in northeast Nigeria, where security forces are battling an Islamic uprising, a police spokesman said.

Deputy Superintendent Fwaje Atajiri said the gunmen tried to shoot their way into the compound at around 7:30 a.m.

An attack on the same Ashaka Cement factory, a subsidiary of Lafarge SA in Gombe state, was carried out a month ago by suspected gunmen of the Boko Haram extremist group. The gunmen got away with large amounts of dynamite loaded onto pickup trucks. No one was killed.

Boko Haram has been blamed for numerous deadly bombings, with blasts killing at least 288 people in the past two weeks.

- AP