Boko Haram unrest: Nigerian militants 'kidnap 200 villagers'


Boko Haram unrest: Nigerian militants 'kidnap 200 villagers'

BBC, 19 Dec 2014

Militants have stormed a remote village in north-eastern Nigeria, killing at least 33 people and kidnapping about 200, a survivor has told the BBC.
He said that suspected Boko Haram militants had seized young men, women and children from Gumsuri village.The attack happened on Sunday but news has only just emerged, after survivors reached the city of Maiduguri. Meanwhile, Cameroon's army says it has killed 116 Nigerian militants who had attacked one of its bases, AFP reports. The state of Borno has seen at least two militant attacks over the past few days. Residents told the BBC that armed militants attacked the border town of Amchide on Wednesday, arriving in two vehicles with many others on foot. They raided the market area, setting fire to shops and more than 50 houses…