Meeting arranged to prepare for political dialogue with armed groups, political parties


Meeting arranged to prepare for political dialogue with armed groups, political parties

Eleven Media, 11 Aug 2014

A first meeting between the government’s Union Peacemaking Work Committee (UPWC), the armed national groups’ Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team (NCCT) and registered political parties is expected to take place this month as part of preparations for political talks and the framework for political dialogue.

The framework for political dialogue is due to start soon after nationwide ceasefire talks between the UPWC and NCCT, scheduled to take place in Yangon from August 15 to 17, Hla Maung Shwe from Myanmar Peace Center (MPC) said.

“It will be the UPWC, the NCCT and the political parties. It will be like a discussion – aimed to talk off-the-record and ensure how to think about the framework and what facts should included in the framework,” he said.

“The style of the talk is such that the government cannot voice its desires alone, so the [ethnic] nationalities can do this also. Because it is all about negotiating, the main thing is to consider what to negotiate on. Currently, as the NCCT has proposed, 70 per cent [of what we want to discuss] is possible. But negotiation is still needed,” he said.

Dr Salai Hlan Mone from the NCCT said the group accepted a plan for the talks between the UPWC, the NCCT and political parties, as previous talks in Laiza has assigned the NCCT the duty to adopt a framework for political dialogue.

The UPWC held an undisclosed meeting with the NCCT on the nationwide ceasefire deal in Myitkyina on August 3. At the meeting, they reached agreement on preparatory talks for the framework for political dialogue once a nationwide ceasefire is agreed.

A meeting between the UPWC and political parties to discuss the peace process is due to take place at the Myanmar Peace Centre in Yangon today (August 11).

Nation-wide ceasefire signing between the government and nationalities armed groups has got possibility to materialize within two months, said representatives from both sides and there is an agreement between the UPWC and the NCCT which said, to hold framework meeting in 60 days after that, and to accomplish a political dialogue that include all should-include people in 90 days after that.