Peace Deal signed


Peace Deal signed

The Global New Light of Myanmar, 16 Oct 2015

THE GOVERNMENT and eight ethnic armed groups on Thursday signed a nationwide ceasefire agreement, which was witnessed by representatives from the European Union, the United Nations and diplomats.
In the presence of President U Thein Sein, the agreement was signed by Vice President Dr Sai Mauk Kham,Vice President U Nyan Tun, Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann, Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw U Khin Aung Myint, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General min Aung Hlaing, Chairman of Karen National Union-KNU Saw Mutu Say Poe, Chief of Staff of the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army-DKBA Saw Lah Bwe,Chairman of Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council Saw Htay Maung, Chairman of Chin National Front-CNF U Pu Nang lian thang, parton of pa-o national Liberation Organization-PNLO U Khun Okka, Chairman of All Burma Students’Democratic Front-ABSDF Yebaw Than Ge, Vice Chairman of Arakan Liberation Party U Khaing Soe Naing Aung and Chairman of the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS/Shan State Army-South (SSA-S)) U Yawd Serk.
Before the signing, President U Thein Sein delivered a speech.
Chairman of KNU Saw Mutu Say Poe also delivered a speech.
Next, both sides signed the NCA witnessed by the president and other dignitaries.
Union Minister U Aung Min and Padoh Saw Kwe htoo Win read out the excerpts from the agreement and they exchanged the NCA.
Following the signing ceremony, the government and armed ethnic groups held a meeting on the implementation of the NCA.
At the meeting, President U Thein Sein pledged the government would follow the points agreed in the NCA and held out the olive branch to those who have not yet signed the NCA.
The representatives from the government and eight armed ethic groups held a press conference after the meeting.
Following the signing of NCA, Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), Federal Democracy Alliance-FDA and Myanmar National
Human Rights Commission issued their announcements, welcoming the NCA as a historic achievement of the country.
They all expressed hope that the remaining armed ethnic groups would sign the NCA as early as possible as part of efforts for building a union with a federal system.