30-year land grant provided to specific villages in Mon State


30-year land grant provided to specific villages in Mon State

Mon News Agency, 06 Jun 2016

URL: http://monnews.org/2016/06/07/30-year-land-grant-provided-specific-villages-mon-state/
Mon State Government will provide a 30-year land rental grant in villages that have never experienced land issues, stated head of Mon State General Administration Department at 100-day Project meeting at State Government Office’s Aung San Hall, last week.

“The 30-year land grant will be provided by the Home Affairs department at a ratio of one village per township. Those villages are on a list of village land records of the Home Affairs ministry and those villages are eligible for the grant as they have no negative land issues,” said U Myint Thant Win, the chief director of Mon State General Adminstration Department, at the 100-day project meeting on May 31.

Nai Taung Hein added that the land grant for Ah Khon Village, Mudon Township, will cover 4 land acres in the village and be available for 18 household plots. However, the land record office has not yet measured the land. Another part of the land for the 100 households is currently grassland and that won’t be covered by the land grant project.