KOICA-funded agri training school opens


KOICA-funded agri training school opens

Myanmar Times, 07 Apr 2017

URL: http://www.mmtimes.com/index.php/national-news/nay-pyi-taw/25622-koica-funded-agri-training-school-opens.html
A training school for agricultural mechanisation (Yezin) on the University of Yezin campus in Zeyathiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, was opened on March 31, according to a statement by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation.

The school, which is a joint project between the ministry and Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), aims to facilitate the mechanisation of Myanmar’s agricultural industry, according to Union Minister Dr Aung Thu during the opening ceremony.

The school, which was built with a financial assistance of US$6 million from KOICA, was set up to provide training to farmers on how to handle and maintain agricultural machinery.

Korean technologies relating to machineries maintenance will be taught at the school, U Sein Hla Myint , deputy director from Agricultural Mechanisation Department, told The Myanmar Times on Monday.
“The school will also teach Korean technologies and the machines are Korea-made. Training will be provided,” he said.

School facilities will include two lecture rooms, two practical rooms, one equipment store room, one hostel, one dining room and one kitchen.

A total of 40 people will be trained in each session, and driving and maintenance training for big tractors, hand tractors, paddy harvesters, paddy trans planters and paddy sowers will be provided to the farmers.

Additional training for engineers, mechanics and drivers from the Department of Agriculture and machineries maintenance training for private agricultural businessmen will also be provided.

Many people are interested in the training, as the farmers find some difficulties in maintaining their machineries, said U Tun Wai, a farmer from Pyinmana.

“Our farmers have had those machines for many years. But we can just drive, we can’t repair.

“So if anything happens, we have to send for a mechanic. If the mechanic is not free, we have to wait for him and time is wasted. Therefore, this maintenance training school is good for us,” U Tun Wai said.