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Preventing acute malnutrition among young Congolese refugee children


Preventing acute malnutrition among young Congolese refugee children

UNHCR, 10 Jul 2017

Partners joined forces to distribute SuperCereal Plus, a highly nutritious fortified cereal for all Congolese refugee children aged from 6 months to two years at the Cacanda reception centre on 7 and 8 July. In June, a blanket monthly distribution of the nutritious supplementary foods to children aged 6-23 months was started at Mussungue reception centre to prevent moderate acute malnutrition among refugee children both in reception centres and in urban settings.

Some of the main challenges with this type of intervention relate to Congolese refugee children’s taste acceptance of SuperCereal Plus. This was a product that they had not used or eaten before. This concern is addressed by holding sensitisation sessions about the use and benefits of the supplementary food and carrying out cooking demonstrations, as well as encouraging mothers to add condiments such as fruits, sugar and salt to make the product tastier.

Ensuring follow-up of moderately acute malnourished children, especially in the urban community, has proven difficult. Health partners will continue nutrition surveillance to see if improvement in acute malnutrition prevalence rates will follow among the refugee children in Lunda Norte.