There Needs to be Close Relations Between The Local Governments And The Local People: State Counsellor


There Needs to be Close Relations Between The Local Governments And The Local People: State Counsellor

The Global New Light of Myanmar, 14 Feb 2019

The State Counsellor urged the regionaland state governments to work closely with the people, pointing out that questions raised by the people during her recent trips to regions and states can be solved by the governments concerned.

“There needs to be close relations between the local governments and the local people,” said Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Afterwards, the State Counsellor listened the voices of the local people and explained the tasks be carried out by the government and the situation to be cooperated by the people.At the meeting, the local people voiced to prevent floods, to enact the Universal Healthcare Law, to enforce land lease tax, to build rest rooms for local and foreign travellers on the islands in the region, to reopen fish auction market, to open Mawtaung border gate, to implement the hydropower plant in the Taninthayi Region, to conduct vocational trainings, to conduct ethnic language teaching programs, to coordinate for formation of a township-level cooperation committee between Myanmar and Thailand, to conserve the mangrove forests, to solve land issue of Myeik Technological University, to relax some restrictions on sea cruising, to appoint more teachers in the region and to solve some issues in which people are facing charges. Union ministers and Taninthayi Region Chief Minister explained about the measures to be taken by the ministries concerned and the regional government to solve the issues presented by the people.

The State Counsellor also promised to solve the issues that can be solved as soon as possible and urged the authorities to put the some issues that can not be solved yet on the record.