Yangon Govt Opens Property Centre


Yangon Govt Opens Property Centre

Myanmar Times, 26 Feb 2019

The Yangon Region government has opened the Yangon City Gallery to help the public easily enquire about the prices and locations of housing built by the government, said Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein.

“This helps people fulfil their dreams of people acquiring a home for themselves and their families. With this building, the government aims to help those searching for homes,” said U Phyo Min Thein, during the opening ceremony of the gallery on Sunday.

The gallery is located at the ground floor of the Yangon Region Urban and Housing Development Department’s office.

It took about six months to renovate the building as the government wants everyone who visits the gallery to feel comfortable, said U Phyo Min Thein.

If the government implement affordable housing projects on its own land and sell homes without factoring in the cost of the land, then only will the public be able to afford homes at a reasonable price, said the chief minister.

The Yangon City Gallery, Yangon Region Government, Yangon Metropolitan Development Committee and the Ministry of Construction will be working together to solve the housing issues of the people. Activities related to urban and housing development, sales exhibitions, property fairs, seminars, talks, and records will be centralised at the Yangon City Gallery, said U Min Thein, director general of Department of Urban Housing Development.