National Environmental Policy to be Revealed Soon


National Environmental Policy to be Revealed Soon

Mizzima, 09 Mar 2019

The Union Government will release the National Environmental Policy, 2030 Strategy and Master Plan soon, said Vice President U Myint Swe, Patron of the National Level Environmental Conservation and Climate Change Central Committee, state media reported.

He was speaking at the 7th coordination meeting of the central committee at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

The Vice President said that Myanmar needed a strategy to conserve the environment and to fight the impacts of climate change on the country’s coastal areas and arid zones which were relying on fisheries, agriculture and livestock breeding while the country was relying on its natural resources for the socio-economic development.

The National Environmental Policy would ensure sustainable development, prosperity and a community which could endure climate change and reduce carbon emission leading to prosperity of the current and next generations, he said.