Nicaraguans make their home in an idle Costa Rican factory / Nicaragüenses hacen de una fábrica costarricense abandonada su hogar

Nicaraguans make their home in an idle Costa Rican factory / Nicaragüenses hacen de una fábrica costarricense abandonada su hogar
UNHCR, 16 Oct 2019
To read the story in Spanish:
With its roof and walls made out of corrugated tin, a single spartan bathroom, and a kitchen where neither the fridge nor the oven actually work, this makeshift shelter in the Costa Rican capital, San José, might not look like the most enviable of accommodations. In fact, it is not even meant to be accommodation in the first place. But for more than two dozen asylum seekers who fled persecution in their native Nicaragua, the warehouse — a former tin factory in an industrial zone — is now home sweet home.
With its roof and walls made out of corrugated tin, a single spartan bathroom, and a kitchen where neither the fridge nor the oven actually work, this makeshift shelter in the Costa Rican capital, San José, might not look like the most enviable of accommodations. In fact, it is not even meant to be accommodation in the first place. But for more than two dozen asylum seekers who fled persecution in their native Nicaragua, the warehouse — a former tin factory in an industrial zone — is now home sweet home.