Near East Foundation
Near East Foundation
Anis Tarabey Country Director and Regional Advisor, Jordan-Lebanon Tel: +962 6 461 7441 Email: atarabey@neareast.org For 100 years, the Near East Foundation has pioneered innovative solutions to social and economic development challenges impacting communities throughout the Middle East and Africa. Throughout the region, we work with local partners to directly improve the lives of tens of thousands of vulnerable people each year through initiatives in sustainable agriculture, microenterprise development, women’s empowerment, civic education, and peacebuilding. Our work is based on a conviction that, to play an active role in _the development of their communities and countries, people need opportunities _and tools: the knowledge to participate in civic and economic life, a voice_ in public decisions that affect their wellbeing, and a means of making _a meaningful living. We call this approach “Knowledge, Voice, and Enterprise”_- a philosophy reflected in all of NEF’s work. Any additional information on your activities in Jordan or the region Since 1937 NEF has worked continuously in Jordan, concentrating initially on vocational training, literacy, agriculture and rural development. NEF has on-going relationships with more than 200 local NGOS, including social societies, cooperatives, civic clubs, and youth groups. Currently NEF in Jordan focuses on economic resilience and women empowerment for Jordanians, as well as building the capacity of CBOs. Since 2007, NEF is working with the refugee population of Jordan in providing non-food items and life skills training.
Website www.neareast.org Documents