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Number of results: 6483

  • Myanmar Resumes Peace Talks with Kachin Rebels

    news Radio Free Asia, 08 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    Myanmar’s government and the political wing of the country’s armed ethnic Kachin rebels resumed peace talks Tuesday, with Naypyidaw expressing optimism they would lead to a permanent cessation of hostilities resulting in an overall nationwide cease-fire and political dialogue with ethnic groups. ...
  • Myanmar Frees Prisoners Ahead of Regional Summit

    news Associated Press, 08 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    Myanmar's president pardoned 56 political prisoners Tuesday, an amnesty apparently timed to highlight the government's reforms ahead of a regional summit as well as important negotiations with a rebel group at home. President Thein Sein ordered the prisoners' release just ahead of a forum in Brun...
  • Karen Health Workers Push For Recognition

    news Karen News, 08 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    The Karen Department of Health and Welfare continues to push the Burma government to recognize its community health workers and to extend its health service. In its recent meeting in Nay Pyi Taw on 30 September, the Karen Department of Health and Welfare discussed with Dr. Thein Thein Htay, the d...
  • KNU is ready to sign nationwide ceasefire, says CEC member

    news Democratic Voice of Burma, 07 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    The Karen National Union (KNU) is ready to sign a nationwide ceasefire agreement, according to one of its most prominent central executive committee members, Mahn Nyein Maung, who spoke to DVB in an interview on Monday. “The KNU is looking to find solutions to all political issues through a natio...
  • TBC releases semi-annual 6-Month Report with information on programmes, aid development and discussion on current conditions for return to Burma/Myanmar.
    highlight 04 Oct 2013 (10 years ago)
    / Myanmar - Refugees
  • ထံၣ်ဘံၣ်စံၣ်(TBC)ထုးထီၣ်ရၤလီၤဝဲ(၆)လါတဘျီအတၢ်ပာ်ဖျါအပူၤပၣ်ဃုာ်ဒီးတၢ်ဂ့ၢ်တၢ်ကျိၤဘၣ်ဃးတၢ်ရဲၣ်တၢ်ကျဲၤတဖၣ်,တၢ်ဒုးအိၣ်ထီၣ်တၢ်ဆီၣ်ထွဲမၤစၢၤတ ဖၣ်,ဒီးတၢ်တၢၣ်ပီၣ်သကိးတၢ်ဘၣ
    highlight 04 Oct 2013 (10 years ago)
    / Myanmar - Refugees
  • TBC ထုတ်​ပြန်​သည့်​​ ၆ လ​အ​တွက်​အ​စီ​ရ​င်​ခံ​စာ​တွင်​လုပ်​ငန်း​များ​ကူ​​ညီ​မှု​နှင့်​လက်​ရှိ​အ​ခြေ​အ​နေ​အ​ရ​မြန်​မာ​နိုင်​ငံ​သို့​ပြန်​ရန်​အ​တွက်​​ဆွေး​နွေး​
    highlight 04 Oct 2013 (10 years ago)
    / Myanmar - Refugees
  • Human rights shelved as Burma’s Gov’t awards mining contracts

    news Karen News, 04 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    Advocacy groups claim government’s mining decision derailing country’s democratic progress. The Molo Women Mining Watch Network (MWMWN) and the Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) today strongly condemned the government of Burma’s decision to grant mining contracts inside Karenni State, an ongoing...
  • KNU delegates talk peace to Burma’s commander-in-chief

    news Karen News, 04 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    The head of Burma’s military met with members of the Karen armed resistance in the country’s capital to discuss how the ceasefire between the two could be progressed. The meeting is seen by ethnic leaders as a move by the government to acknowledge the Karen National Union (KNU) as a necessary com...
  • Results from the pilot survey by the Mae Fah Luang Foundation (MFLF) in Mae La camp have now been released through the media
    highlight 02 Oct 2013 (10 years ago)
    / Myanmar - Refugees