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WASH: In March, WASH services were provided to 119,156 Syrian refugees, including 67,460 children, living in Azraq, Zaatari, and King Abdulla camps and host communities.highlight 12 Apr 2018 (6 years ago)
Jordan Humanitarian Fund JHF/ OCHA Health Sector picked up as one of the priority sector for March call while the sector define it priority under “Projects that support secondary health care for priority cases, such as Basic Emergency Obstetric care and Newborn Care (BEmONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) including supporting priority medical referrals from the borders and camp”. Nutrition Sub Working Group: No significant changes reported in the Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTP) and Supplementary Feeding Programme (SFP). The admission rate for SFP in Azraq camp reported higher compared to Za’atari camp and urban. Reproductive Health Sub Working Group (RHSWG): JICA’s project for Improvement of Services at Village Health Centers (VHCs) in Rural Host Communities of Syrian Refugees concluded. The project focused on the linkages between VHCs and communities. The RH working group has done review session for this model project for lesson learnt and results related to changing people’s attitude towards Reproductive Health /Family Planning practices and healthy life style. Zaatari Camp: - Community Health Programme activities handed over to Save the Children Jordan. - The second screening phase of the school health program including physical examinations for all student at first, third and fifth grades has been completed successfully. Azraq Camp: • Number of consultations reported higher by 15% compared to last month’s statistics, no changes on other statistical trends and remain stable for month of March. • An experiment was carried out under UNHCR Innovation Fellowship addressing the delays in medical emergency response by Civil Defense in the camp. Civil Defense respond to all call essentially and the main objective of the initiative is to enable Civil Defense prioritize cases and dispatch the ambulance accordingly. A second experiment will take place soon after adjusting for any main issues faced. Although analysis has not been completed yet, positive feedback from Civil Defense was reported. Berm Situation: Significant increase in number of patient accessing UN joint clinic noted with daily average of 167 cases. 4,346 patients accessed the clinic on March while 27 cases referred for treatment at Jordan hospitals. Malnutrition rate was stable at 3% among PLWs and at 1.8 among children under 5 years old. 24/7 health services operating plan established, resources allocated and communication made with MOFA and MOH for final clearance.highlight 18 Apr 2018 (6 years ago)
In April, the Basic Needs Working Group provided around 5,496,248 US$ worth of regular cash, winterization assistances and non-food item (NFIs) to vulnerable beneficiaries from the refugee and host Communityhighlight 10 May 2018 (6 years ago)
In April, 491,000 Syrian refugees residing in camps and host communities received monthly cash based transfers. Following an increase of WFP’s assistance, in response increases in tax on food commodities and the removal of a long-standing subsidy on bread, around 109,000 refugees residing in camps and 207,000 extremely vulnerable refugees living in communities received JOD 23 per person per month, while 175,000 refugees categorized as vulnerable received JOD 15 per person per month.highlight 10 May 2018 (6 years ago)
• The Protection WG started to plan having a thematic discussion on a different topics of concern and interest to the members. Agenda for the thematic discussion has been finalized in April and agencies lead were assigned for each theme. • During April PWG meeting, UNHCR gave a detailed presentation on the new Amnesty was announced by the GOJ(criteria and updates). The amnesty will continue until 27 Sep 2018. After five weeks of the start of the amnesty, around 9,000 families registered for an appointment to rectify their situation. Data segregated by age and gender will be shared with PWG later on.highlight 15 May 2018 (6 years ago)
• CP & ESWG Meeting: During April CP SWG and Education Sector Working Group conducted a join meeting, The purpose of the join meeting is to focus on cross cutting issues between the CP and the Education sectors and have an in depth discussion on the issue of violence against children (VAC), the group came up with a list of recommendation as a way forward.highlight 15 May 2018 (6 years ago)
• SGBV SWG finalized key coordination tools for the first quarter of 2018. This includes the SGBV SWG 2018 workplan, and a guidance on safe referrals for non-GBV specialized agencies. • GBV IMS taskforce hold a signatory ceremony of the new Information Sharing Protocol, endorsed by seven organizations.. The new Information Sharing Protocol is setting out guiding principles and procedures for sharing anonymous aggregated data on reported cases of SGBV with consent of survivors.highlight 15 May 2018 (6 years ago)
• WHO and MOH launched the National Mental Health and Substance Use Action Plan (2018-2021), the launching event took place in 17th April and was under the patronage of HRH Princess Muna Al Hussein.highlight 15 May 2018 (6 years ago)
Shelter Sector: by end of April a total of 2,862 shelters were upgraded and repaired in Azraq and Zaatari camps.highlight 20 May 2018 (6 years ago)
WASH Sector: in April, WASH services were provided to 120,271 Syrian refugees, including 68,000 children, living in Azraq, Zaatari, and King Abdulla camps and host communities.highlight 20 May 2018 (6 years ago)