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[Inter-Agency Financial Tracking: Refugee Component] By end September 2016, 580 million USD (77% of the total requested funds) have been received.highlight 03 Oct 2016 (8 years ago)
[Inter-Agency Financial Tracking: Refugee Component] During the 1st quarter of 2016, 164 million USD (21% of the total requested funds) have been received under the refugee component.highlight 28 Apr 2016 (8 years ago)
[Inter-Agency Financial Tracking: Refugee Component] For the first quarter of 2017, US $ 213 million (29% of the total requested funds) have been received.highlight 21 May 2017 (7 years ago)
[Inter-Agency Financial Tracking: Refugee Component] For the second quarter of 2017, US $ 385 million (52% of the total requested funds) have been received.highlight 09 Aug 2017 (7 years ago)
[Inter-Agency Financial Tracking: Refugee Component] For the third quarter of 2017, USD 472 million (64% of the total requested funds) have been received under the Refugee component, and USD 79 million (17%) under the Resilience component.highlight 08 Nov 2017 (7 years ago)
[Inter-Agency Financial Tracking] In 2017, the 3RP members received USD 561 mln for Refugee (76%) and USD 107 mln (23%) for Resilience component.highlight 12 Feb 2018 (6 years ago)
{ May Highlights } ------------------ JHF/ OCHA - Eight proposals were received from different national and international organizations, early May the SAG reviewed them all and share sector recommendation with OCHA. OCHA board accepted three proposals including renal dialysis project by QRC, the JPS project to support secondary health care for priority emergency obstetric and neonatal cases and cash for health project by MEDAIR. Nutrition Sub Working Group: The preparations for the micro-nutrient deficiency survey has finished. The protocol, the questionnaires and the agreements with the IPS are ready. The survey will include everyone in the country including the refugees in the camps (Zaatari, Azraq and EJC) Data collection will start in September. Reproductive Health Sub Working Group (RHSWG): Advocacy efforts to revoke the January 2018 new policy for providing RH services to Syrian refugees continue. The MCH Directorate with the support of the group has succeed in obtaining prime ministry’s approval to exclude preventive RH services to Syrian refugees from the new policy. The decision is subjected to a final approval from Health Insurance Administration in order to be implemented. Mental Health: MHPSS adopting online 4ws mapping tool, and in contact with MHPSS.NET global network to support implementation of the 4Ws online mapping. WHO and MoH launched the new updated mental health and substance use Action Plan 2018-2021. Berm Situation: There is a significant increase in the number of patients during May. The average of patients per day is 230. A total of 30,730 visits to Rukban clinic for medical consultation, management and treatment and 942 cases of admission to Jordan since December, 2016 Upper respiratory tract infections are the most common acute health conditions with 25% of acute consultations being for this reason. The most prevalent chronic condition is hypertension constituted 29% of all chronic consultations. Zaatari Camp: The Handover process between IMC and MSF for their location completed. The caravans will be utilized to strengthen the secondary health care system inside the camp by Moroccan field hospital and IMC clinics. Second round of rodent campaign took place in the camp from May 22nd to June 7th. Health Care providers in the camp were sensitized about the implementation locations, the signs and symptoms of poisoning, and cases to be directed to Moroccan field hospital to be given the antidote.highlight 14 Jun 2018 (6 years ago)
بعد مرور أسبوع على الانخفاض الكبير في عدد اللاجئين الذين يعبرون الحدود، عاد معدل القادمين الجدد إلى الأردن إلى سابق عهده حيث تراوح مابين 1,000 إلى 2,000 لاجئ يوhighlight 02 Jun 2013 (11 years ago)
هناك الآن ما يقرب من 500,000 لاجئ سوري في لبنان والأردن. وفي المتوسط، يعبر يومياً 8,000 من السوريين إلى مصر والعراق والأردن ولبنان وتركيا. 26 مايو 2013highlight 26 May 2013 (11 years ago)
• CP & ESWG Meeting: During April CP SWG and Education Sector Working Group conducted a join meeting, The purpose of the join meeting is to focus on cross cutting issues between the CP and the Education sectors and have an in depth discussion on the issue of violence against children (VAC), the group came up with a list of recommendation as a way forward.highlight 15 May 2018 (6 years ago)