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Number of results: 416

  • Azraq camp now hosts 6,455 refugees, 53% are children with 20% less than 5 years old. Areas of origin: Daara (30%), Aleppo (20%), Homs (15%)
    highlight 25 May 2014 (10 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Azraq refugee camp is now open for new arrivals into Jordan
    highlight 30 Apr 2014 (10 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Basic Needs: In October, the BNWG provided around 5,554,507 US$ worth of regular cash, winterization assistances and non-food item (NFIs) to vulnerable beneficiaries from the refugee and host Community.
    highlight 15 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Basic Needs: in June, the Basic Needs Working Group provided around 5,322,295 US$ worth of regular cash, winterization assistances and non-food item (NFIs) to vulnerable beneficiaries from the refugee and host Community.
    highlight 15 Jul 2018 (6 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Beneficiaries reached in camps during first cycle of October WFP voucher distributions: Azraq - 7,933 individuals (highest number yet). Zaatari - 75,234.
    highlight 21 Oct 2014 (9 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Between 29 Dec 2013 and 12 Jan 2014, 4,558 refugees were processed in Raba'a Sarhan registration centre by the authorities and UNHCR.
    highlight 15 Jan 2014 (10 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Between January and March, 21,625 children were senstized on child protection issues, services available and referral pathways.
    highlight 27 Apr 2015 (9 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • By end 2017, the sector reached 118,107 males; (56,784 Male/ 61, 323Female) in both camps and host communities.
    highlight 16 Jan 2018 (6 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • By end of Dec, essential WASH services were provided to approx 120,397 people, including 68,152 children, living in Zaatari, Azraq and King Abdullah park camps.
    highlight 16 Jan 2018 (6 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • By end of Dec, essential WASH services were provided to approx 120,397 people, including 68,152 children, living in Zaatari, Azraq and King Abdullah park camps.
    highlight 16 Jan 2018 (6 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees