CCCM Cluster north-west Syria cross-border operations
Led by UNHCR, the CCCM Cluster coordinates the efforts of 55 active member organizations providing cross-border assistance in north-west Syria. CCCM Cluster activities focus on informing the humanitarian community on the needs in IDP Sites, tracking IDP movements and coordinating the provision of multisectoral assistance in IDP Sites.
  CCCM Dashboards

Protection Monitoring Interactive Dashboard - 2019

Power BI
The PMTF dashboard provides a picture of the protection threats affecting civilians in non-government-held areas of Syria. Data is collected on the ground on a regular basis, via community-level key informant interviews.

Protection Monitoring Interactive Dashboard (PMTF)

Power BI
The PMTF dashboard provides a picture of the protection threats affecting civilians in non-government-held areas of Syria. Data is collected on the ground on a regular basis, via community-level key informant interviews and observation checklists.




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