UNHCR Syria Refugees and asylum-seekers Factsheet January – December 2022

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Type de document: Dashboards & Factsheets
Type de document: English
Date de publication: 2 May 2023 (1 year ago)
Créé: 2 May 2023 (1 year ago)
Téléchargements: 502

UNHCR Syria Refugees and asylum-seekers Factsheet January – December 2022

Type de document: Dashboards & Factsheets
Langue(s): English
Registration of people seeking international protection is critical, as it enables the early identification of individuals with specific needs and their referral to available protection responses. Additionally, registration provides comprehensive population data needed for programme planning, including for shelter, food, health, water and sanitation, cash-based interventions and other forms of assistance.


  •  Protection


  • Syrian Arab Republic
Télécharger  (PDF, 611.18 KB)